Our local LungSmarter team is on
"S" for Sustainability!
LungSmarter welcomes you and your family to our Spring Super Saturdays annual events,
see our "services" annual events for details
Our Annual Spring event since 2000, began, with a team named “A” is for Asthma!!
It’s been a commitment & tradition, for the Annual Alphabet Walkers!
Free Registration!
Learn what to do, in a true emergency – when minutes count!
Professional Program:
The agenda includes emergency 911 training for children
by Madison County 911 Emergency Services Department
& CPR training for adult "hands on" experience
by Godfrey's Fire Protection District & more!
Share your personal experiences, Join In and Participate in our discussion! Share your personal trials, courage, fears for your child's overall health, future goals and aspirations!
Explore Fire Truck Capabilities.
Enjoy the Celebration Meal provided.
Join us, have fun, making a difference for our community!
Learn how to donate to LungSmarter Foundation!
Please send all donations to
LungSmarter Foundation
C/O Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc.
121 Market St.
Alton, Illinois 62002
Bonus: Meet the dedicated team of volunteers creating LungSmarter Foundation, because this is the same basic team that was involved in 2000 - picking-up newcomers & new donors along the way.
These folks know the potential dangers of an asthma related crisis or food allergy attacks, having a family member or a friend living with breathing difficulties, respiratory conditions, etc.…
Join this resilient team of volunteers, to benefit Madison County, Illinois
children, shouting out to a new generation!